Tuesday, October 25, 2011

OMG I need to update more often!

Okay, So I've got heaps to update!!!

We'll start with Jillian Michaels! I love her! I did the 30 Day shred in September, didn't miss a day and had such great results! So proud of myself and so happy with the results... still miles away from my goal, but inching my way to success! I also ran 30+ miles in the month and attended BodyPUMP once or twice a week. :)

Alright so here it is: before/after, loss (inches and pounds)

Weight: 176.9/169.5, -7.4 lbs
Neck: 13.75/13.25, .5"
Chest: 35/33, 2"
Breast: 38/37, 1"
Waist: 35/32, 3"
Lower Waist (belly button): 42/38.75, 3.25"
Hips: 41.5/39, 2.5"
Bicep: 13.5/13, .5"
Lower arm: 10/10, 0"
Thy: 24.5/23.75, .75"
Calf: 15.25/15, .25"

Total loss of 13.75 inches and 7.4 pounds!

After results like that, I wanted to keep Jillian in my life! After a short break, I started Ripped in 30 on October 17th. Just finished up level 1 and will be starting level 2 today. Results will be posted for this as well! I don't think they will be quite as drastic, but still hoping they will be good!

Alright, another success! Back in January, we were getting ready to go out for my best friend Kerry's birthday. She wanted us to dress up a bit and I didn't really have much to choose from except the dress I just wore for New Years and or the dress I had worn for my birthday in February! Went for the one I wore for my birthday and was absolutely devastated when there was no way of wearing it! It would have taken an army to zip that thing up! In reality, I think that was one of the turning points in realizing I needed to change my lifestyle and be healthy!

Well, I decided since I've lost 20 lbs and quite a few inches, I give the dress a go. So after the gym and a shower last night, I tried it on and it fit! It fit fantastically! Now I just need an excuse to wear it out! Before it gets too big on me... ;).

Here it is!:

I must say, I'm feeling great and oh so confident. I'm loving this journey and all the little perks along the way.

Last weekend I had lunch with friends I haven't seen in months and they commented on how great I look! I can't wait to look even better! 20+ pounds to go!!!


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Thanksgiving Challenge

So for a little more motivation and accountability, I've joined a Challenge Group through My Fitness Pal:

We will be recording weekly weigh in's and all have set our own weight goals for Thanksgiving. I would like to lose a total of 21.9 lbs by Thanksgiving... I'm hoping that's attainable! We will also be taking monthly measurements, so hopefully I see some inches disappear!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Made it through the weekend

And I didn't gain any weight! Didn't lose much, about .2 lbs, but that's good for just a few days and a weekend like I had! Ready for the week ahead!

I'm going to try doing some AM workouts and see how that works out for me! :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Yay! Weighed in at the gym today and lost another 2.4 lbs! 4.6 total so far. That's encouraging! I'm actually feeling so good about going to the gym so often, I feel strong and more fit!

I went out to dinner with Sean last night and I chose a nice grilled chicken with vegetables, probably a bit more butter than needed on the veggies, but it was a much healthier choice than what I might have made before being more calorie/fat conscious. One thing I noticed is I have become SUCH a light weight... had two very small glasses of wine during dinner and was quite tipsy halfway through the second one! Cheap date! haha.

Looking forward to this weekend away with the boy in Victor Harbor. Won't be stressing too much about the calorie intake, but I will try to opt for healthier menu choices. I might avoid the scales for a few days after I get back.... Better make this week prior count!

Another exciting vacation is coming my way! My dad is heading to India for a business trip and he's going to stop in Australia! I'll be flying out to the Gold Coast for a weekend and I'm sure there will be many empty calories consumed in the form of beer...

That's alright, as I stated in the first post, I think it's okay to be extravagant once in a while and as well as I'm keeping up on the diet the best I can when I can, I think I'll be okay and definitely think I can shed 20-25 lbs by Dec 17...

Monday, August 8, 2011

August 1

Okay, I know it's not August 1st, but this is when I looked in the mirror and decided I'm getting to a point where I am just not happy about my body, fitness or eating habits. Too much of the past 10 months has been focused around extravagant eating and drinking that it's time to make a conscious change about my lifestyle. It has seemed like a giant party since I arrived in Adelaide, which has been great, don't get me wrong, but there has to be an equal medium. I don't want to cut out the extravagance, but it definitely needs to be cut down! I've gotten to a point of complacency. I found a great boyfriend who makes me feel great about myself, so I stopped going to the gym as often and we started going out to dinner more often. The best way to catch up with friends I don't see is to catch up over dinner, which all too often involves fried food and beer! Not to mention the lovely beer challenge I had to complete with Kerry Thwing before her departure... multiple beers a couple nights a week accompanied by a schnitzel and fries has definitely not helped the waste line. Now that I've added the lbs (kilos) on, it's time to take them off, and then some... I need to make a change, and what's a better time than now?

My lovely friend Lucy Donovan set a challenge for herself to lose a few kilos before her high school reunion and when I saw her results and how well she was doing, she encouraged me to get off by butt and start taking accountability for why my jeans are too tight! I've set up an account on My Fitness Pal to start tracking what I'm eating, drinking and burning off. It's amazing how just keeping track of what you're eating makes you so much more aware! I've decided to make my profile open for the public's eye... maybe if others see what I'm eating & the work outs I'm doing, I'll be more encouraged to keep up the hard work!

I started logging my food and workouts on September 31st and since then I've lost 2.2 lbs (I haven't weighed in in a couple days, so I'm crossing my fingers it's a bit more now!) I've been drinking heaps of water and eating lots of fruits and veggies. I've also been encouraged to work out much more, after all, the more you work off, the more you can eat! I was so bummed when I got home last night at 8:40pm planning to go for a quick gym trip when I realized the gym closed at 9pm! Booo! Well, the first week is done and I'm feeling pretty good about myself, I'm just hoping I can keep it up because I've dieted in the past and I know how discouraged I get when the scale stops moving down...

Well anyways, hopefully this blog will be updated a bit more often than my last!